Independence Day related sites are popping up all over the place! Besides the official site and those of licensees, ID4 is spawning a huge number of pages created by devoted fans! Here are a few that I've found so far (and if you have an ID4 site not listed here, write me at and I'l l include it here!)
The Official ID4 Homepage is the premiere site for Independence Day related pictures, sounds, and .MOV video files, as well as other ID4 sites on the Internet.
Trendmasters is making a lot of cool ID4 toys (like the Alien Pilot I have sitting on my computer :-) Now they even have ALL the ID4 Mission Disks available for download! Or you could just buy all those neat Independence Day toys to get 'em! Either way, you win!
Centropolis is Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich's film company (you know, the guys responsible for Independence Day!) Go there for a lot of detailed info about ID4 and other movies this duo has produced!
Brendan Choi's Burn on the 4th of July/Independence Day-Pictures and Information Site is a very good site to go to (I especially like Brendan's opening screen!)
William Sharpe has a good site with lots of pics here.
Weird Ed's ID4 Page is maintained by Weird Ed. We saw ID4 on July 4th (how appropriate) and then again three days later, so between the two of us we've gotten a LOT out of this movie. He wanted an ID4 site for himself so go to his so he'll be happy :-)
Thomas Smith (AKA Hornet) has two things going for him: his birthday is July 4th and he likes F/18s... so he's going to naturally be an ID4 fan! And he shows it with Hornet's ID4 Page!!, with more pics and stuff from the movie!
George Matz's Independence Day site is another good one with sound clips, pics, and .MOV files. Also has a HUGE pic of the Destroyer's atmospheric entry!
Jason's Tribute to ID4 is one fraggin' big homepage! Jason Mackey has some of the best Independence Day pictures I've seen anywhere. Plus if you've got Windows 95 he has a Win 95/ID4 theme!
And apparently one wasn't enough, so Mackey also made a SECOND ID4 page at with even MORE pictures!!
Nathan Rose has been sending me a lot of good ID4 stuff from his site dedicated to movies in general. Check out his place for more sounds and pictures! He's also got an Independence Day theme for you people who (bless your hearts) are running Windows 95!
Yet another site with an ID4 Win95 theme! Check out Charlie Payton's homepage!
President Whitmore's ID4 page is a very good new site you should go to!
Chewie's ID4 Homepage is a fan site that uses Shockwave.
Nasir's Restricted Area: Area 51 ID4 page makes use of frames, so be sure you've got Netscape or Internet Browser. I like this page a lot, especially the opening.
Steve's ID4 Homepage has a growing collection of pictures, sounds, and Steve's opinion (shared by many, many people) that ID4 is the BEST movie in a looooong time!
Chris Vanasse's ID4 Page is new and comes out soaring! It has a few pics I haven't seen yet!